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Second Semester Motivation!

Here are some things you can focus on as we get closer to graduation!

Graduate Scholarship


( ) Continue applying for scholarships
( ) Complete any last minute college applications
( ) Submit additional documents to financial aid offices


( ) Living on campus? Start completing housing applications.
( ) Look out for financial aid award letters
( ) Don't forget to complete the College Opportunity Fund!


( ) National Decision Day is May 1st
( ) Throughout May, enrollment deposits will be due.
( ) June and July students should plan on attending New Student Orientations
( ) JULY 15 - Financial Aid must be COMPLETE Please contact your school's
financial aid office and ask if your file


( ) Continue applying for scholarships
( ) Open your college student portals
( ) Submit additional documents to financial aid


( ) Sign up online for New Student Orientations
( ) Scholarships, scholarships, scholarships!
( ) Continue working on housing applications


APS Foundation Scholarships-


If you are a high school senior who is interested in receiving more information about scholarships please reach out to your CCC Advisor and check out the websites for each scholarship!

APS Foundation Scholarships- Closing December 16th

Commonly Requested Resources

College Applications

Common App

Cover Letters: How to


CASFA (Colorado Application State Financial Aid) Apply HERE

HBCU (Historically Black Colleges & University)

HSI Exploration (Hispanic Serving Institutions)

Job Search Info


NAVIANCE (Reminder: You MUST login with Clever)


Our Mission

CCC Logo

Students. Families. Community.

The College and Career Centers of Aurora Public Schools (APS) are committed to serving the students of APS by providing a welcoming environment for students and parents to discover, explore and implement college and career options. We do this by helping them make informed educational decisions about a student's post-secondary endeavor so that they can create a successful future in college, career or military!

Every Student Shapes a Successful Future!

Contact Your College and Career Center Advisor

Email Your College and Career Center Advisor

Make An Appointment

Julia Montijo

Ms. Jordan

Ms. Asawer

Ms. Cecilia

Mrs. Meyer

Ms. Grace