The Work Number

Aurora Public Schools uses The Work Number to fulfill requests for income and employment verification.

The Work Number will provide proof of employment and/or income when securing financing, leasing an apartment, providing information to government agencies, etc.

You can access The Work Number online at

Employees- Click here to access further information including APS employer code, using your APS Google login

Verifiers- In order to verify income and employment go to to view our many different verification services and sign up now.

Sign up as one of the following:

  • Verify for Your Organization - Verify someone's employment, income or work history
  • Government Program Verification - Determine someone's eligibility for government assistance

When to contact The Work Number vs APS Human Resources

The Work Number- access online at
Human Resources- Employee Services Email requests to [email protected]
Mortgage Inquiries Verification of previous school experience
Follow up questions from previous The Work Number requests Verification of previous professional experience
Income verification Verification needed on APS letterhead
Proof of employment
Verbal verification