Please make sure that you have the correct Request # when accepting a job.

If you need help using this Job Board please watch this short how-to video.

Interpreters - When you find a job that you would like to accept, please use the "Job Claim Form" link below and make sure you have passed the APS Simultaneous Assessment before committing to these type of assignments.

Before signing up for interpretation assignments, please make sure you have reviewed the updated 2024-25 DAI Handbook and have signed the acknowledgement. Payroll is unable to pay you for any assignments if you do not have an active 2024-25 Agreement for Services.

Job Claim Form Case # 10,500 and up <--- Use this job claim for the jobs listed below (requests 10,500 and up). Make sure you are signed in to your Google Account or you will not be able to view the form.

Available Jobs 10,500 and up

Spanish Interpretation Available Jobs - Google Sheets

LOTS Interpretation Available Jobs - Google Sheets