Before an emergency occurs:

  • Update the emergency contact information for your child and make sure your child's school has it on file.
  • Have a plan designating a place/person for your child to go if you are unable to make it home.
  • If your child is on medication, make sure that your child's school has a 24-48 hour supply.
  • Have food, water, medicine and other supplies in your home that would last 72 hours.
  • Protect valuable papers and documents.
  • Go to Ready.Gov for additional information.

Actions to take if there is a national or local emergency that does not directly affect your child's school:

If the emergency does not directly involve your child's school, you may go to the school and have your child released to you.

Please do not call the school. Doing this will hinder necessary communications between the schools district security officials and fire and/or police departments.

Actions parents should take if an emergency strikes at or near your child's school:

Do not panic. School officials and public safety officials have planned for and prepared and trained together for emergencies.

Do not call the school. Doing so will hinder necessary communications between the school and public safety or district security officials.

Do not expect that the school district will call you immediately if an emergency strikes. Our first priority is the safety of our students, staff and visitors who may be in our buildings. However, please stay near your phone and television. Information will be sent to you over the phone via Connect Ed as well as through public television and radio as soon as we possibly can.

Do not go to your child's school. The school will most likely be in lockdown or staff and students may have been evacuated to a different location. If the building is in lockdown, you will not be allowed inside. Your responding to the school could also interfere with responding emergency authorities.

Do not call your child's cell phone. The use of a cell phone could distract your child from listening to very important information, even life saving instructions. Students may of course use their cell phone if they are in need of immediate assistance for themselves or someone else from fire or police.

Reunification with your child. You will be notified via phone and television/radio of where you are to go to be reunified with your child. Please remember to take your photo ID with you and if you send someone else to pick up your child, they must be on file with the school as an authorized person. Your child will not be released to anyone not on file.