The department of College and Career Success supports schools to ensure students are able to "demonstrate the knowledge and skills (competencies) needed to succeed in postsecondary settings and to advance in career pathways as lifelong learners and contributing citizens."

- Colorado Department of Education

APS Shared Practices

As educators we constantly learn from each other, push each other's practices, and support each other as we grow and flourish.

Here are some Shared Practices and Supports:

Colorado Department of Education Supports

One element of Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) is supporting students as they develop their Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP). Colorado Department of Education (CDE) has a plethora of information regarding ICAP promising practices, supports, and historical context behind the work.

The CDE ICAP Toolkit is also located on CDE's website.

View the ICAP & Naviance Slideshow as a PDF

APS Educator's Toolkit 

APS has also created a toolkit "to provide guidance and resources to district and school administrators for improving the engagement and application of APS 2026 Strategic Plan Goal 1: Every student will have a plan for their future. 

This toolkit offers research-based perspectives that can be modified to fit individual school needs. The information provided will help students engage in the  development of their plans, tools used for documentation and sample templates all while accessing the necessary resources available to support the process. 

See the New Educator's Handbook 2023-24