APS 2026: Faces of the Future defines specific strategic GOALS to reach its RESULTS.

Results are about student outcomes-- what the community wants its students to know and be able to do.

Ideal results will be SMART:
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-focused, and Time-bound

Ideal Result

Early Literacy

The percentage of 3rd grade students in APS-operated schools who demonstrate grade level literacy skills based on CMAS English Language Arts/Literacy assessment will increase from TBD% in August 2022 to TBD% in August 2025.

Result 1 Data

Postsecondary Workforce Readiness

The percentage of APS students graduating in four years will increase from TBD% in 2022 (available January 2023) to TBD% in 2025 (available January 2026) based on the new Colorado graduation requirements, which requires a demonstration of college and career readiness.

Result 2 Data

Equity Grade 6

The percentage of 6th grade Hispanic/Latinx and Black students who are not on grade level in English/Language Arts and Math, as measured by CMAS, will decrease from TBD% in August 2022 to TBD% in August 2025.

Result 3 Data

Equity Grade 9

The percentage of 9th grade Hispanic/Latinx and Black students who are not on grade level, as measured by PSAT, will decrease from TBD% in August 2022 to TBD% in August 2025.

Result 4 Data