APS 2026: Faces of the Future is based on our community's core beliefs about education-these are our foundation. We, as a community, believe:

APS student

  • Every student has unique abilities that we must recognize and engage.

  • A district with students at its center provides an adaptable and responsible foundation for learning.

  • Student and staff safety is essential to our vision and mission.

  • Students, families, staff and community members share the responsibility for student achievement.

  • Student achievement and growth are driven by a highly-effective and respected staff working as a team.

  • Students take an active and ongoing responsibility for their learning.

  • Families are our partners in education.

  • Community partnerships provide vital resources and opportunities for students and families.

  • All students must have equitable access to learning opportunities, technology and environments that support them in reaching their full potential.

  • Diversity is a strength in our community.