2020 Goal: 50% diversion rates across district

"There's no such thing as 'away.' When we throw anything away it must go somewhere." -Annie Leonard

Annie Leonard

Many of our district's waste management initiatives and programs stemmed from student-led efforts. Nothing says "project-based learning" quite like a hands-on experience generated within our schools.

From cost benefit analyses of trash generation to Food Recovery Initiatives, our students are leading the charge for change when it comes to food waste. After all, it's not waste until it's wasted!

Service Providers & Partnerships

Alpine Waste & Recycling

Alpine Waste & Recycling is the trash, recycling, and compost service provider for the district. For any questions or issues please call the Customer Service Department at 303-744-9881

Red Apple Recycling

Red Apple Recycling is a Denver-based non-profit that focuses on funding local schools' sustainability and wellness programs. Through the donation of unwanted clothing, shoes, and textiles, Red Apple has strict guidelines to ensure that those materials are handled and recycled safely. To date, Red Apple has raised over $60,000 to continue valued efforts like recycling, composting, creating school gardens, and wellness programs.

Blockmeister Program

Blockmeister Program is in conjunction with the City of Aurora's Anti-Litter Campaign, the "Great Aurora Neighbor Helping Neighbor Clean-Up Initiative," and the Beautification Grants awarded to neighborhoods for mini projects aimed at "beautifying" the city. The Blockmeister Program relies heavily on volunteers and student groups interested in adopting 3 Block areas of a designated street to clean up and care for the area. This is a great opportunity for service learning and has a ton of potential for Digital Badging opportunities for students.

We Don't Waste

We Don't Waste and Aurora Public School's partnership started with Aurora West's CHOICES Club researching alternative ways to find solutions to food waste at the school. Since the program's beginning in August 2015, more than 41,000 servings worth $13,000 have been donated to area food banks and homeless shelters through this valuable partnership. We are looking to expand this program to more schools for the 2016-2017 school year!