Here are some ideas and suggestions that could help you feel better!

Be in school as much as you can

  • Schedule your provider visits or other appointments after school if possible.
      • Don't be absent all day if your appointment is only for 1 or 2 hours
  • As a pregnant student, you are entitled to MEDICAL LEAVE following delivery. The length of this absence will be determined by your medical provider
  • Some moms feel like coming back to school a few weeks after the birth of their baby, but most come back about 6 weeks after the baby is born
        • Young Parent Advocates can help you connect with school staff (such as teachers, counselors and the school nurse) to plan for long term absences due to medical reasons

Be in school

Teen Moms

Lots of teen moms don't feel well at some point during their pregnancy

Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms in pregnancy. Here are some tips on how to help feel better:

      • Try eating a few crackers before you get out of bed in the mornings
      • Eat small meals 5-6 times a day
      • Frequent snacks
      • Drink lots of fluids
      • Avoid spicy or fatty foods if they bother you

Getting exercise while you are pregnant is important and can really help how you feel:

      • Back pain and other discomforts can be eased by moving around and changing positions
      • Exercise can help you sleep better

Your school nurse can let your teachers know if you need some accommodations, like sitting in a desk that is comfortable, more time to walk between classes, more frequent classroom breaks, or bringing extra snacks and water to your classes

Most teen moms have many different emotions while they are pregnant

  • Some of these normal feelings include:
      • Experiencing awkwardness or embarrassment
      • Vulnerability or worried about your safety
      • Being overwhelmed and stressed
      • Happiness one day and sadness the next
  • You are NOT alone!
      • Spend time with friends and family who support and care about you
      • Ask for help when you need it
      • Try to stay active and exercise
      • Find hobbies or activities that help you feel good about yourself
  • Talk to your YPSP Student Advocate, counselor, or school nurse if you feel like you are struggling

Teen Moms

What do I do if my baby is sick?

  • Talk with your baby's health care provider to get accurate information on how to take care of your sick baby
  • Have your baby's health care provider's phone number available to everyone who takes care of her/him