Federal Program Teams

Title I Team
Joey Willett, Sherry Hinkle-Carlson, Cookie Hansen
Title I (4010)
Family Engagement (9211)

Title II, III, IV Team
Joey Willett, Kris Riley
Title II (4367)
Title III (4365)
Title IV (4424)

Adam Williams, Sherry Hinkle-Carlson
ESSER I (4425)
ESSER II (4420)
ESSER III (4414)

RISE, Team

Adam Williams, Sherry Hinkle-Carlson

Accounting Team
David Schneiderman

LIVE Google Forms - Budget Review or Direct Payment Requests

Form Approvals is designed to turn Google Form submissions into approval workflows. If requestors or recipients need access to these files, they will need to request permission from [email protected].

Google Form Guidance

The Requestor is the person completing the form submission (initiating the request).

Requestors have the ability to track the status of requests via email notifications they receive. The request number at the top of email notifications has a hyperlink, allowing requestors to track the status of their bid at any time during the workflow process.

Overall Status:

  • In progress - the request is awaiting the response of one or more recipients.
  • Complete - the request has been completed by all recipients.
  • Declined - a recipient declined the request.
  • More info requested - a recipient requested more information.
  • Canceled - the request was canceled by the Requestor or the Administrator.

The Recipient is the person receiving and responding to the request.

Recipients also have the ability to track the status of requests via email notifications they receive, also using the hyperlinked request number at the top of email notifications.

Recipient Status:

  • Current - the request is currently awaiting the response of this Recipient.
  • Acknowledged - this Recipient acknowledged the request.
  • More info requested - this Recipient requested more information.
  • Signed - the request was signed by this Recipient.
  • Declined - this Recipient declined the request
  • Approved - this Recipient approved the request.

Google Form Requestor

  1. [email protected] will send the Requestor an invitation to fill out a form. Click on Fill out Form. This link cannot be shared. If specific people need access, please send a request.
  2. The Requestor will fill out the Google Form and upload documents and Submit.
  3. The Requestor will receive a message, “Your response has been recorded. At this step, you can edit your response.
  4. Form Approvals will send an automated email subject Request # __ Confirmation.
  5. The Requestor can Track request / Cancel request / Edit Original Response. All links are live. At any time, you can review the data.

Google Form Recipient(s)

  1. Each Recipient (s) will receive an email from Form Approvals, Request # __ /__for your review.
  2. Review the request, use the Comment button. Once you start typing, you will have the option to Request More Info, which will return the request to the Requestor for Corrections OR Needs to Acknowledge will bypass the comments and route to the next Recipient.
  3. An automated message will pop up, ‘Thank you, your response has been recorded. If you Acknowledge Receipt OR Comment (Request more info.)

Requestor More info required.

  1. Form Approvals will send an automated email subject Request # __ more info required.
  2. To reinitiate the request, you may edit the original response (live link).
  3. The original upload will remain in the form. You will upload a Revision.
  5. Form Approvals will send an automated email subject Request # __/__ Confirmation.
  6. The Requestor can Track requests / Cancel requests, / Edit the Original Response.
  7. All links are live. At any time, you can review the data.
  8. Note: you will be able to review your original file upload and the revision(s).
  9. Your request will automatically route to the next Recipient (s) for approval.

Google Form Final Step

  1. The final Recipient will receive an email from Form Approvals, Request # __ /__for your review.
  2. Review the request. You will have the option to Submit a Signature, Decline (ends the request), or Request More Info, which will return the request to the Requestor for Corrections. You can optionally leave a comment with your response.
  3. Final Step for approval, Submit Signature.

Requestor Approval

  1. Form Approvals will send an automated email, the request is now Complete, Request # __/__
  2. Schools may spend down their allocations.
  3. Payment processing for Vendors.
  4. Payment processing for Charter Schools.

For troubleshooting, contact [email protected].

Common error messages include:

  • drive.google.com refused to connect
  • You need permission (to access a file)
  • Something isn't quite right. Please try again in a few minutes.
  • There was a problem: The add-on does not have sufficient authorization to run.
  • ScriptError: Authorization is required to perform that action
  • Error: Logged in with multiple Google accounts. Sign in with one account only.