Yellow Scene: High-Tech vs High-Touch: The Modern Balancing Act Between Digital Assets and Real Interactive Human Experience
Posted on 01/25/2023
Courtesy of Shutterstock

Story excerpt:

"We're all conflicted. We love our tech, do we not? But we also love personal and tactile physical experiences. For many of us, we have a little twinge in the back of our minds that tech extremism will take hold, and we'll end up in a Wall-E-esque dystopian reality where humans are hardly functional, hollow, mindless shells of our former brilliant selves, if we become too reliant on technology, as much as we appreciate the convenience and opportunities it affords us.

Technology is a game-changing development in many ways, but touch is the core essence of human interaction. Both are important aspects of the modern educational and professional worlds. We're depriving ourselves, and more importantly our children, of vital interactions by withdrawing from certain personal physical experiences. A cold, hard screen is not a substitute for real physical experiences, even though we are able to enhance other experiences and focus on other values by capitalizing on tech...

...[I interviewed] Jimmy Lee Day II, Colorado's Teacher of the Year 2023, an instrumental music teacher from Aurora. It just struck me how tactile playing an instrument is and how hard it must have been to try to teach that online during lockdown. He was happy to share the experience, what he's stowed away in his new tech toolbox, and how his students were impacted.

Day recounts that when lockdown started it was a huge learning curve. He had to think outside the box to try to get the same results over Zoom as in person. He had support from school administration to help him figure it out. It was surely a daunting transition as music - especially middle school instrumental music - is such a collaborative experience."

Category: East M.S.,News Coverage