The Sentinel: Deputy secretary of education visits Aurora Public Schools with eye on mental health efforts
Posted on 07/06/2022

Story excerpt:

"From telehealth visits to the playground, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education Cindy Marten lauded Aurora Public Schools' wraparound commitment to supporting students' mental health needs with the federal pandemic relief funding it received last year.

Marten visited several schools in Aurora Public Schools Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as others across the metro area, as part of a nationwide tour exploring how school districts have used funding from the American Rescue Plan.

The American Rescue Plan included $130 billion to support pandemic recovery efforts in public schools. APS received an allotment of $77 million, which it will be using over the next three years for academic support for students, infrastructure upgrades and programs addressing students' mental health and social-emotional needs.

Category: Rangeview H.S, Clyde Miller K-8, Virginia Court Elementary