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Mrachek Replacement School

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Mrachek Middle School was constructed in 1975 as an open classroom concept design without windows and interior walls to separate rooms. This design creates a noisy classroom environment and does not provide students with an optimal learning experience. Mrachek's new design aligns with our APS core belief that all students have equitable access to learning environments that support them in reaching their full potential.

In November 2016, Aurora voters approved a $300 million bond program that included funding to replace the old Mrachek Middle School with a new building. In addition to bond funds, APS will received a $16 million grant toward the construction of the school from the Colorado Department of Education's Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST) Program. Funding from the grant program was contingent on the passage of the bond.

The new school is a two-story 130,000-square foot building with separate learning communities for each grade level. The plans were developed in consultation with a design advisory group that included parents, community members and school staff. The new building can serve up to 1,000 students. Construction began in spring 2017, and the new school opened in fall 2018. Take a look at the construction and completion photos below!

Proposed Mrachek Site Plan

Proposed Mrachek Site Plan

Proposed Mrachek Floor Plan

Proposed Mrachek Floor Plan

Proposed Mrachek Front

Proposed Mrachek Front Entry Rendering

Proposed Mrachek Indoor

Proposed Mrachek Indoor Renderings

Proposed Mrachek Overall

Proposed Mrachek Overall Building Rendering