Aurora Public Schools will not be offering the Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Program for the 2017-2018 school year. If you have questions concerning the SES Program contact the Federal Programs office 303-365-5816.

2016-2017 SES Program

  • The Colorado NCLB Flexibility Waiver requires Title I schools assigned a plan type of Priority Improvement or Turnaround to offer Supplemental Educational Services (SES) to eligible children in the schools. Parents of eligible students must have multiple options from which to select services for their students, as well as the opportunity to participate in the development of the SES program.
  • Eligible students include those who are unsatisfactory or partially proficient in reading or math on the most recent state assessment as measured by the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC); who are below grade level as measured by an early literacy assessment that meets the requirements of the Reading to Ensure Academic Development (READ) Act; or another body of evidence for K-2. Additionally, Non-English Proficient (NEP) and Limited English Proficient (LEP) students as measured by the ACCESS assessment, who also attend a Title I school with a status of Priority Improvement or Turnaround, are eligible for English Language Development SES. Supplemental Educational Services must be high quality, research-based and specifically designed to increase academic achievement on the state assessment. Any service provided will be paid for by the school district from the Title IA SES set aside funds. These services may include academic assistance such as tutoring, remediation and other educational and linguistic interventions.

APS to Offer Free Tutoring to Students

Aurora Public Schools is offering free tutoring to eligible students, grades 1-8, at ten schools; this is available to help your child improve his or her academic performance. Under the No Child Left Behind Act, your child may be eligible to receive Supplemental Educational Services (SES) which is provided outside of the regular school day to receive tutoring in reading, writing, or math. Eligibility is determined by your child’s academic need.

  • Schools Participating in SES: Fletcher Community School, Lansing Elementary School, Lyn Knoll Elementary School, North Middle School, Sable Elementary School, Sixth Avenue Elementary School, South Middle School, Vaughn Elementary School, Virginia Court Elementary School, and Wheeling Elementary School.

As a parent/guardian, you may choose a program from a selection of different types of services that are available for students through their school. The types of service include: At School tutoring, Online tutoring, and In-Home tutoring.

  • Parent Flyer and Parent Agreement Form: SES flyers and SES Parent Agreement forms will be mailed to qualifying students’ homes on August 10, 2016. SES Parent Agreement forms will be due back to the Federal Programs office by September 1, 2016.
  • SES Important Dates: Registration starts on August 10 - September 1. Pre-testing will begin September 12 – October 14, 2016. Tutoring will begin October 18, 2016 . Post-testing will begin January 10, 2017.

To see if your child is eligible for free tutoring, contact the staff at one of the participating schools.

Las Escuelas Públicas de Aurora Ofrecerán Tutoría Gratuita a Estudiantes

Las Escuelas Públicas de Aurora ofrecerán tutoría gratuita, en once escuelas, a estudiantes elegibles de los grados 1-8; la tutoría estará disponible para ayudarle a su hijo a mejorar su rendimiento académico. Bajo la ley No Child Left Behind Act (Que Ningún Niño se Quede Atrás), su hijo puede ser elegible para recibir Supplemental Educational Services (SES) (Servicios Educativos Suplementarios), los cuales son proporcionados fuera del horario escolar regular, para recibir tutoría en lectura, escritura, o matemáticas. La elegibilidad es determinada basándose en la necesidad académica de su hijo.

  • Las escuelas participando en SES son: Fletcher Community School, Lansing Elementary School, Lyn Knoll Elementary School, North Middle School, Sable Elementary School, Sixth Avenue Elementary School, South Middle School, Vaughn Elementary School, Virginia Court Elementary School, y Wheeling Elementary School.Las escuelas participando en SES son: Boston K-8, Fletcher Community School, Lansing Elementary School, Lyn Knoll Elementary School, North Middle School, Sable Elementary School, Sixth Avenue Elementary School, South Middle School, Vaughn Elementary School, Virginia Court Elementary School, y Wheeling Elementary School.

Como un padre/tutor, usted podrá elegir un programa de una selección de diferentes tipos de servicios que estarán disponibles para los estudiantes en su escuela. Los tipos de servicios incluyen: tutoría en la escuela, tutoría en-línea, y tutoría en el hogar.

  • Folleto para padres y el Formulario de Acuerdo de los Padres: Los folletos de SES y los Formularios de Acuerdo de SES para los padres serán enviados a los hogares de los estudiantes elegibles el día 10 de agosto de 2016. Los Formularios de Acuerdo de SES para los padres se deben devolver a la oficina de Federal Programs (Subvenciones y Programas Federales) a más tardar el 1 de septiembre 2016.
  • Fechas importantes de SES: Las inscripciones serán del 10 al 1 de septiembre. Las pre-evaluaciones serán del 12 de septiembre al 14 de octubre de 2016. La tutoría será del 1 al 1 de febrero de 2017.

Para saber si su hijo es elegible para recibir tutorial gratuita, comuníquese con el personal de una de las escuelas participantes.