What are Micro PD's?

Micro professional development (PD) refers to a learning approach that delivers professional training and development content in bite-sized, focused chunks or modules. Unlike traditional professional development programs that are often lengthy and comprehensive, micro PD is designed to provide short, targeted learning experiences that address specific skills, knowledge, or competencies.

The key characteristics of the Micro PD include:

  1. Bite-sized content: Micro PD content is typically delivered in small, digestible segments or modules, ranging from a few minutes to an hour or two. These micro-learning units focus on a single concept, skill, or topic.
  2. Flexible and on-demand: Micro PD is designed to be flexible and accessible on-demand, allowing learners to consume the content at their own pace and convenience, fitting it into their busy schedules.
  3. Targeted and focused: Rather than covering broad or generalized topics, micro PD concentrates on specific, targeted areas of professional development that are directly relevant to the learner's job or role.
  4. Personalized and self-paced: Micro PD platforms often allow learners to choose the specific content and learning paths that align with their individual needs, interests, and skill gaps, enabling self-paced and personalized learning.
  5. Continuous and ongoing: Micro PD is typically designed as an ongoing process, with new content and resources being added regularly, allowing for continuous professional development and skill-building.

What does Aurora use for their Micro PD's?

In Aurora, we use the Learnie.app! This will be our one stop shop for short bursts of relevant, searchable learning in APS! 

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