Annotation & Markup for PDF Files

Kami is a Chrome extension that allows users to annotate and markup PDF documents. It has many of the same features as GSuite Apps, but it's not a replacements for using GSuite tools. rather, Kami is for the PDF's that don't easily convert to Google Docs formats. Examples would be PDF's from curricular resources that don't convert well - maybe because of their layout, the presence of a ton of images, or because they are a graphic organizer style PDF.

Kami also has assistive features like text-to-speech and a built-in dictionary.

Lastly, Kami has some time-saving features for teachers, most notably, its ability to split and merge PDF files. Have a 100+ page PDF resource that you want to extract three pages from? Kami will do that in just a couple of clicks. Want to merge several PDF's into one file? Same thing - just a couple of clicks.

The videos below are the exact videos found in the asynchronous Kami 101 class available in Performance Matters. If the 1 hour salary advancement (and re-licensure credit) aren't of interest to you, you can watch these and practice along with the videos on your own PDF files. If you would like the credit, head on over to Performance Matters and sign up: Kami 101 - Asynchronous

Quick Links to Videos Below

Kami Training

What is Kami?

How to Access Kami

Opening a PDF in Kami From Your Computer's Hard Drive

Kami Menu Bar

Kami Tool Bar - the "Always Free" Tools

Kami Tool Bar - The "Edu" Tools

Assigning a PDF Assignment in Google Classroom

Student View for Authorizing Kami

Visit the Kami Library to check out their free templates!

Kami Training

Book some one on one time with Kami to learn more!

How to Access Kami

Opening a PDF in Kami From Your Computer's Hard Drive

Kami Menu Bar

Kami Tool Bar - the "Always Free" Tools

Kami Tool Bar - The "Edu" Tools

Assigning a PDF Assignment in Google Classroom

Student View for Authorizing Kami