The FARE Team seeks to engage both APS families and the community through information sharing and thoughtful partnerships. We aim to build capacity in families to contribute to their student’s experience as thought partners and decision makers, and we work hard to connect our APS families to resources and various supports. Our work can be explored through the following areas:

School Accountability Committees

Aurora Public Schools aims to have a School Accountability Committee in each school by May of 2025. This goal supports our efforts to include parents/guardians, and community voice as decision makers in the student educational experience. School Accountability Committees, or SACs are established at each school and meet on a quarterly basis (some schools may choose to meet more frequently) and serve as an organizational structure and authority for making program, policy, fiscal and standards decisions and implementing best practices at each school.

Each SAC is comprised of the following members:

  • Parent chair (1)
  • Parent (2+)
  • Principal or designee
  • Teacher (1+)
  • PTA/PTO (1+)
  • Community Representatives (1+) Representatives must reflect the student population and not be employed by the school.

The FARE Team is committed to guiding each school through the journey of either creating a SAC or collaborating to bolster already existing SACs. We are passionate about this approach to intentionally guide parents/guardians and community members to the table to discuss the issues that are most impactful upon our students. We strongly encourage all who are interested in being part of the SAC at their student's school, to reach directly to the school to inquire about upcoming SAC meetings, or to reach out to the FARE Team to get connected with their school's SAC team.

Please view this flyer to learn more about School Accountability Committees in Aurora Public Schools, and help us raise the bar in parent and community engagement in APS by exercising your right to be part of important conversations impacting our students. Your voice is valued and needs to be heard!

District Collaboration for Family Education and Engagement

FARE Care Closet 
The FARE Care Closet is a resource available to APS schools and consists of donated resources and goods that we will work to distribute to all schools in our district based on need, availability, and request. The FARE Team has recently received a large donation of coats that are available to district run schools. We are excited to provide this resource to the APS community and look forward to getting the coats in the hands of those that need them most! The FARE Team is eager to collaborate with community partners who may be interested in adding resources and goods to the FARE Care Closet through donations. If you are interested in donating please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing how far we can reach in providing the APS community with the goods and resources that can really make a difference in their lives!

Family Liaison Professional Development (PD)

The FARE Team provides monthly professional development for Family Liaisons across the district. These monthly meetings are a way for Family Liaisons to come together to learn about new district initiatives and information that will have a direct impact on their school. Coupled with the information shared at each meeting, Family Liaisons are encouraged to share a Promising Practice that they have implemented in their school to encourage and strengthen family and community engagement efforts.

The Family School Community Partnership Framework established by CDE, serves as a foundation for the work we do with Family Liaisons, as we seek to create strong relationships of reciprocity between schools and the families and communities they serve, while also building capacity within Family Liaisons to create authentic engagement opportunities that open the door for parent/guardian leadership and lasting relationships.

Energy Outreach Colorado (EOC) Assistance

The Aurora Public Schools FARE team and APS Welcome Center administer the energy outreach grant. If you have a student at APS and you need assistance with your energy bill, please email [email protected] or call 303-344-860 ext. 20360 so we can guide you through the process.