Health Tips | Title IX FAQ

Dad & Son

Mom & Daughter


Why is it important to finish school?

Your education is very important for both your future and the future of your family! Here's why:

  • Earning a high school diploma or GED allows you to have better job opportunities with better pay.

  • A person with a high school diploma or GED, on average, will make more money than someone without a high school education.

  • The first step for furthering your education with college is to have a high school diploma or GED.

  • You're more likely to have access to medical care (health insurance from your job) and have the funds to pay for it (higher salary).

  • Knowing you have a diploma makes you a good role model to your children. Your educational success will encourage your children to stay in school.


What if I have an important appointment I can't miss?

  • Schedule appointments for before and after school hours so you don't miss important classwork and assignments

  • If you are going to miss class or school, talk with your teachers before your appointment to discuss your options for completing the missed assignments

  • Ask if classwork can be sent to your home, email, or through Google Classroom

How do I fit everything into my schedule?

Time management is VERY important for being successful at school. Developing a routine will help your daily activities run smoothly.

      • Pack up your things (school supplies) and your baby's things (day care items) the night before. This way your mornings are less chaotic.

      • After school, set up a routine so you can juggle schoolwork, parenting, working (if you have a job), and everything else

          • Talk with your family about help caring for your child in the afternoons and evenings so that you can focus on academics

      • Figure out when is the best time to do your work

          • Schedule study time before or after school

          • Do homework in the library during free periods

          • Try focusing on schoolwork when your child is asleep