To meet the requirements set forth in the Code of Colorado Regulation, 6 CCR 1010-6, initial District-wide radon testing was performed in 1991. However, the regulation requires that all building additions and remodels constructed after the initial testing be re-tested for radon.

Radon is a cancer-causing radioactive gas. You cannot see, smell or taste radon. The Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. If you smoke and you are exposed to high radon levels, you're at high risk for developing lung cancer. Some scientific studies of radon exposure indicate that children may be more sensitive to radon. This may be due to their higher respiration rate and their rapidly dividing cells, which may be more vulnerable to radiation damage.

Testing is the only way to determine whether or not the radon concentration in a school room is below the action level. Testing is only performed in frequently occupied rooms including classrooms, offices, labs, cafeterias, libraries, auditoriums and gymnasiums on the ground level.

EPA recommends that schools take action to reduce the level of radon when levels are 4 pCi/L (or 0.02 WL) or higher. Below are the results from radon testing conducted in past years. If any samples are higher than 4 pCi/L, we will follow up with additional testing and will post those results.

Additional information on radon can be found on the following links:

National Safety Council Information on Radon

EPA Radon in Schools

Radon Sampling Results



Altura Radon Results 2023


Arkansas 2021

Arkansas 1991

AST AST 2021
Aurora Central HS

Central 2021

Central 2011

Aurora Community Campus Postsecondary Building (CSU Global) Aurora Community Campus Postsecondary Building (CSU Global) 2020
Aurora Hills Aurora Hills Radon Results 2023 
Aurora West

*Retest - West Retest 2008

West 2007

Boston K-8 Boston Radon Results 2023
Century Century 2017

Charles Burrell P-8 (Peoria)

Charles Burrell P-8 2023

Clara Brown P-8 (Wheeling)

Wheeling 2017

Clyde Miller P-8

Clyde Miller 2020

Clyde Miller 2016

Columbia Columbia 2017
Crawford Crawford Radon 2017
Crossroads Crossroads Radon Results 2023

Dalton 2020

Dalton 1991

Dartmouth Dartmouth Radon Results 2017             

*Retest - Dartmouth follow-up 2017

Del Mar Academy Del Mar Academy 2024
Driver's Education Driver's Education 2023
Early Beginnings Early Beginings 2016
East MS

East 2023

East Retest Radon Results 2023

East 2017
*A1 and E9 test kits missing from room so results are unavailable.


Elkhart Mobiles 2021

Elkhart Elementary 2013

*Elkhart VP retest_t

ESC1 ESC 1 2017


ESC 2 2017


ESC 3 2023

ESC 3 1991


ESC4 2017


Facilities - M & O 2021

Facility 2017

Frontier K-8

Frontier 2020

Frontier 2007


Fulton 2021 follow up from 2020

Fulton 2020

Gateway Gateway 2017
Harmony P-8

Harmony P-8 Mobile 2023

Harmony P-8 2021


Hinkley 2021 follow up from 2020

Hinkley 2020

Hinkley 2007

Hinkley District Stadium District Stadium 2017

Iowa 2020

Iowa 2017
*Rm F missing so results are unavailable.

IT Center

IT 2017

Jamaica CDC

Jamaica CDC 2021 follow up from 2020

Jamaica CDC 2020

Jamaica Results


Jewell 2021 follow up from 2020

Jewell 2020

Jewell 1991

Kenton Kenton 2017
Lansing Lansing Radon Results 2023 

Laredo 2021 follow up from 2020

Laredo 2020

*Laredo retest 2020

Laredo 2017
*Rm 11 test kit missing so results are unavailable.

Laredo CDC/Kids Clinic

Laredo CDC 2021 follow up from 2020

Laredo CDC 2020

CDC Laredo

Lyn Knoll (Demolished)

Lyn Knoll 2017

*Retest - Long Term Results - Lyn Knoll Media LT Retest

*Retest - Long Term Results - Lyn Knoll B5 LT Retest

*Retest - Long Term Results - Lyn Knoll Comp Lab LT Retest

Due to the long term retest results, a radon mitigation system was installed.

Post mitigation retest results - Lyn Knoll Post mit results 2018

Meadowood CDC Meadowood CDC Radon Results 2023
Montview Montview 1991
Montview Annex
Mosley P-8 Mosley P-8 2016
Mrachek MS (New Bldg.)

Mrachek 2021 follow up from 2020

Mrachek 2020

Mrachek MS (Old Bldg.) Mrachek 1991
Murphy Creek K-8

Murphy Creek P-8 Mobile Radon Results 2023

Murphy Creek 2007

North MS

North 2017


Paris 2007

Park Lane

Park Lane Mobile Radon Results 2023

Park Lane 2017

Pickens Tech

Pickens Bldg C 2023

*Retest Pickens Bldg C C104 2023

Pickens Kids Tech Bldg F 2021


PLCC and PLCC Mobiles

Quest K-8

Quest K-8 Radon Results 2023


Rangeview 2020

Rangeview 1991

*Retest - RHS Media desk_t

*Retest - RHS Media office 1_t

*Retest - RHS Media office 2_t

*Retest - RHS Media West_t

 Rocky Mountain Prep (Fletcher)  Rocky Mountain Prep 2023

Sable 2020

Sable 2017

Side Creek

Side Creek 2020

Side Creek 2014

Sixth Ave Sixth Ave 2017
*Rm C17 test kit missing so results are unavailable. C4 was not sampled due to flooding in room and will be sampled at a later time.
South MS South 2017
*M2, D24, B5, E16, E21, F7 test kits missing so results are unavailable.
Tollgate Tollgate 2014
Transportation Garage and Admin Transportation Garage 2017

Vassar 2021

Vassar 1991

Vaughn Vaughn 2017
Virginia Court

Virginia Court 2023

Virginia Court Mobile 2023

Virginia Court 2017

Vista Peak HS

Vista Peak Prep 2021 follow up from 2020

Vista Peak Prep 2020

Vista Peak Preparatory 2012

*Retest - 1011_t Vista Peak Prep

*Retest - 1024 retest_t Vista Peak Prep

*Retest - 1107_t Vista Peak Prep

*Retest - 1109_t Vista Peak Prep

*Retest - 1414_t Vista Peak Prep

*Retest - Kitchen Office_t Vista Peak Prep

Vista Peak P-8 Vista Peak Exploratory P-8 2011

Warehouse/Print Shop

Warehouse 2017

William Smith William Smith 2007
Yale Yale 2017