Q: Who are my primary contacts? What is the best process to ensure swift resolution of facility issues or concerns?

Your site's Head Custodian or Principal's Secretary are generally the best initial single points of contact because they know who to call or how to submit the Work Orders based on the nature of the request or issue. For emergencies, please contact Dispatch at extension 28300 or 303-326- 1199, for immediate routing.

Q: The Site is requesting Custodial staff to move furniture, files cabinets or bookshelves, what do we do?

For anything more than a couple of light-weight pieces of furniture, submit a detailed work order, so we can route properly.

Q. The site is requesting that the custodial staff put together furniture, should we do that?

All furniture purchased by the district or the school/site, should have paid to have delivered to the room and assembled.

Q: What services does the Maintenance and Operations Department provide? Which of these services are covered by M&O and which are chargeable to the site?

Maintenance and Operations' (M&O's) primary functions are the maintenance, repair and replacement of existing assets, systems and components. Priority response is to preventive maintenance, life safety and security systems, and urgent corrective repair needs.

M&O will happily facilitate new discretionary requests as well, and has access to a myriad of internal and external resources through which to complete projects. The cost for materials and external contractors necessary to complete projects are typically chargeable to the site - exceptions are pre-approved projects that meet defined criteria to enhance the safety and security of occupants. Funding for qualifying safety and security projects is via the appropriate Support Services Department.

For projects on which M&O is able to provide labor resources, the site will be responsible for materials. However, M&O schedules projects based on resource availability and places priority on preventive and urgent maintenance needs.

Please contact your M&O Facilities Operations Manager for questions regarding discretionary requests.

Q: Who do I call to report a missed trash/recycling service pickup? Need an extra pick-up?

Please submit a work order through MySchoolBuilding.com

Q: What hours can I expect the HVAC system to be on?

The heating, ventilating, air conditioning (HVAC) systems are programmed to operate during occupied hours. Occupied hours are designated as any school day, 60 minutes prior to the start of school and 30 minutes following the ending bell time. The temperature range, for heating, is 68 to 70 degrees, and, for cooling, is between 72 and 74 degrees. For space comfort requests outside of normal occupied hours, please have either your school's Head Custodian or Administrative Assistant issue a work order via School Dude at least three business days prior to the event.

Q: My school/classroom is drab. What am I at liberty to change to brighten my space?

The district consists of nearly 5 million interior square feet, and adheres to a standard interior paint type and color in order to optimize resources and control costs. To ensure that district materials and quality standards is maintained, it does not permit staff to invest their own materials, skill and/or effort toward their own custom painting projects, nor does it permit custom colors in classrooms, corridors or restrooms.

To promote school identity and spirit, schools may request via work order a specialized paint color or project for select areas including the main entry, administrative offices, gymnasium, cafeteria/commons and media center. These requests however are school-funded and must be requested via myschoolbuilding work order system (SchoolDude) and facilitated via coordination with its assigned Facilities Operations Manager.

Q: What are my schools' waste, water, energy, carbon emission quantities and costs?

The District boasts a natural resources visualization database that is among the most robust, comprehensive and versatile systems of its kind. Your school's natural resource dashboard is accessible via the link provided in your school's monthly M&O service summary reports and via the following link: School Dashboards Link