Maintenance Operations (M&O) plays a vital role in the Aurora Public Schools (APS) District mission to accelerate learning for every APS student every day. Maintenance is inclusive of trade-based technical experts spanning HVAC, plumbing, building controls, electricians, glazers, locksmiths, roofers, painters, carpenters and much more! The immediate focus for Maintenance Operations is optimizing essential infrastructure required to operate the Districts systems smoothly and efficiently to support the learning community. Further broken down into critical/corrective maintenance and preventative maintenance. We have Two (2) Facility Operations Mangers overseeing the North and South Zones for your Maintenance needs.

Maintenance and Operations: Facilities Operations Zones (Currently outdated. New chart coming soon.)

North Zone (TBD)

Facility Operations Manager

Mobile: TBD / Ext. 28624

South Zone (Mark Van Cleave)

Facility Operations Manager

Mobile: 720-505-0761 / Ext. 28641


Building Sq.Ft.

Mobile Sq.Ft.

Total Sq.Ft.


Building Sq.Ft.

Mobile Sq.Ft.

Total Sq.Ft.

Altura Elementary 60,095 7,776 67,871 Arkansas 47,964 1,440 49,404
Aurora Science & Tech 75,000 75,000 Aurora Central 268,090 4,320 272,410
Aurora Quest K-8 78,100 78,100 Aurora Frontier 81,644 1,440 83,084
Avenues 12,755 12,755 Aurora Hills 129,990 129,990
Clyde Miller Elementary 51,219 2,880 54,099 Boston 49,440 1,440 50,880
Crawford Elementary 71,832 2,880 74,712 Century 47,032 47,032
Crawford Kids Clinic 1,410 1,410 Columbia 114,838 114,838
Crossroads 10,500 10,500 Dalton 48,328 1,536 49,864
CSU Global 25,764 25,764 Dartmouth 53,532 53,532
Drivers Education 1,440 1,440 Early Beginnings 9,126 9,126
East 121,447 8,640 130,087 ESC 4 30,730 30,730
Elkhart 67,885 2,880 70,765 Fulton 57,405 1,440 58,845
ESC 1 46,361 2,880 49,241 Gateway 237,078 237,078
ESC 2 29,415 29,415 Iowa 49,512 1,440 50,952
ESC 3 22,846 22,846 Jamaica CDC 17,835 17,835
Facilities 48,991 2,084 51,075 Jewell 47,135 47,135
Harmony 103,693 103,693 Kenton 59,758 7,776 67,534
Hinkley 312,616 312,616 Lansing 50,864 50,864
Division of Technology (IT) 15,413 864 16,277 Lyn Knoll 33,714 4,320 38,034
Laredo 52,052 4,320 56,372 Meadowood CDC 21,831 21,831
Laredo CDC 20,530 20,530 Mrachek 133,100 133,100
Laredo Kids Clinic 1,410 1,410 Peoria 57,261 1,440 58,701
Montview 52,817 52,817 Rangeview 260,971 6,720 267,691
Mosley 107,512 2,880 110,392 Side Creek 63,649 2,880 66,529
Murphy Creek Elementary 81,644 1,440 83,084 Sixth Avenue 57,954 1,440 59,394
North Middle School 109,173 1,440 110,613 South 107,040 1,440 108,480
Paris Elementary School 49,440 1,440 50,880 Tollgate 71,835 71,835
Park Lane Elementary 41,637 41,637 Vassar 49,942 2,880 52,822
Pickens Tech: 182,278 10,656 192,934 Virginia Court 54,343 1,440 55,783
PLCC 15,708 15,708 Aurora West College Prep 138,220 5,760 143,980
Rocky Mtn Prep 76,465 76,465 Wheeling 60,844 9,916 70,760
Sable Elementary 55,330 4,320 59,650 Yale 48,300 1,440 49,740
Trans Admin Bldg 8,396 8,396 Total 2,559,305 60,508 2,619,813
Transportation 18,652 18,652
Vaughn Elementary 51,780 1,440 53,220
Vista PEAK 9-12 293,576 1,440 295,016
Vista PEAK P-8 120,184 15,552 135,736
Warehouse 31,317 31,317
William Smith High School 41,593 41,593
Total 2,564,016 80,072 2,644,088
*Estimates based on preliminary record drawings Operations
Zones Total
Building Sq.Ft. Mobile Sq.Ft. Total Sq.Ft.
5,123,321 140,580 5,263,901