The Sentinel: Aurora Public Schools hopes to recoup students by building stronger brand
Posted on 07/06/2022

Story excerpt:

"Aurora Public Schools will be rolling out a new logo and tagline in the upcoming school year, part of a rebranding effort that it hopes will encourage more families to keep their students in district schools.

There are currently over 8,000 students who live within APS boundaries but choose to attend non-APS schools, Chief Communications Director Patti Moon said during a Tuesday night presentation to the board of education, representing an estimated $108 million revenue loss for the district.

'If we recaptured a percentage of that, that funding would be so critical for students across the district,' Moon said.

The district believes that is driven in part by an outdated image of the district's academic track record, which it hopes it can begin to reverse by promoting itself more strongly as it emerges from the pandemic."

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